Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Problem with Janet Hsieh and the Politically Correct Crowd: Their Suppression of Truth, Honesty and Free Speech

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular." 
– Carl Gustav Jung in his essay “The Philosophical Tree”, paragraph 335, (1945)

The problem with Janet Hsieh and the crowd like her that praises perpertual positivity and fakeness is that they place political correctness over truth.

You see, the unspoken law of political correctness says that everywhere you go, you have to be positive and non-controversial. And when asked about any particular country, you are expected to say, "the place is great and the people are friendly", even when it's not true. To do otherwise is a taboo that few dare to do.

Most people, especially young people, are conformists who are trying to fit in and be socially accepted. They do not think freely nor do they speak freely. Having no mind of their own, they will conform without even being told to. Therefore, they will conform to political correctness as well.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Help Counterbalance Janet Hsieh's Lies About Taiwan By Sharing These Links

If you would like to help counterbalance Janet Hsieh's LIES and FALSEHOODS about Taiwan being so wonderful, beautiful and friendly, then share these links below with others to help spread the truth, however taboo it may be. She presents Taiwan as a wonderland, which any normal sane person can see is NOT true at all, but in fact is the opposite of the truth.

In reality, Taiwan is a very repressed society with a bland boring culture comprised of cold robotic people with no passion or soul. People are very uptight, stuck up, and hard to connect with. They seem like plastic mannequins, not truly alive or human. There is nothing to grow your soul in Taiwan. Time just passes with no meaning or special memories, and life there is just wasted. The nature, climate, landscape and architecture in Taiwan are mostly drab and ugly, so it is not even a truly beautiful country (at least not most of it). Thus, Janet Hsieh is WRONG on all counts regarding Taiwan, and is merely a paid propagandist telling lies to promote tourism.

Taiwanese people are empty shells with no soul, personality or passion

Have you noticed this about Taiwan? It's a new observation I just realized:

Even if you make a lot of friends in Taiwan, you eventually realize that these friends are really just casual acquaintances, because there is no real connection with them. Taiwanese are like empty shells with no soul or emotions, like plastic mannequins (similar to America, but even worse). Their faces are passionless and robotic, as if their soul and humanity has been squashed, suppressed or drained out of them.

It's very sad and scary, like an inhuman society from the Twilight Zone. I've seen some of the older generation Taiwanese show some semblance of having a soul or emotions, but the young adult generation definitely seem empty and hollow with plastic exteriors. Thus, the friendships you make in Taiwan will ultimately be unsatisfying.

It's also kind of depressing when you see that people are empty shells here because it leaves you wondering "How can humans descend into such a state of being?" What's scary is that you know deep down that you don't want to become like them, thus being around them could have a toxic negative effect on you.