It looks like I'm not the only one who finds Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 fake, corny, cheesy and annoying. Some others do too, as I suspected. Here are their comments that they posted in my blog (some are anonymous and some are not). They are funny but fairly accurate.
- I actually agree with you. I don't watch her shows anymore, they are boring, she is trying to make Taiwan look like Wonderland. For someone who claimed to be MIT student, going to doctor school, learning martial arts, blah, blah, blah, she is here posting her pictures in men magazine, cheap tabloids magazines, and polluting buses and boards with her pictures, ads, etc, she is another narcissist Taiwanese here to tell them that she has done more than others. But with all her activities here in Taiwan and traveling to lots of places, doing interviews, her "medical career"is also another fake item that she is going to put in her pedigree. This is what I see in her, comes a Spanish degree MIT nobody to Taiwan and try to make a career here because in the States she is a nobody.
- I think Janet is a hypocrite. She overreacts and pretends to be hyperactive coz it's needed for her show. But I think when she's alone, she's like, duh! What the hell was that?
- With so many talented people in Taiwan why did they choose this feather brain gal? There are lots of girls that are prettier and actually have real brain, not a lot of cheap talk and fake big smile. And for those who are trying to point out her MIT degree, it is SPANISH, and last that I heard, she can't ever utter enough Spanish words to her Spanish speaking friends. There is a reason she is here doing this silly show, she can't do better in her country.
- I'm also from Texas and been traveling around Asia. In my honest opinion Taiwan is very polluted, not really interesting compared to Japan or Bali but it is more livable than Cambodia or Thailand. About Janet, well she is paid to spread the good word (or better saying lies)about Taiwan. Who is going to spit on the hand that is paying for her popularity here, bags, dresses, make-up and food? And she always travels overseas for her vacations despite all her talking about Taiwan being so fun.
- Such a wonderful article! I've finally found someone like me. I just don't get it y people always ignore the facts just to stay "happy"... it's really funny and pathetic actually. i agree w/ u that she is not that extraordinary. so many people are popular only because they have been promoted, which is a fact for sure, but nobody can see it or even if someone sees it, they'll never admit it. Keep posting!
- I kinda agree, Everytime I watched her show, and tried to like it, I became so tired with all the smiles and her crazy eyes. Maybe I'm not into an over-happy people. She looked fine in personality, and very fine in physical appearance, but I just can't stand her shouting excitement and all those crazy eyes looks, which for me, had reached to annoying level for a tv show. I couldn't focus on the places, My eyes were exhausted following her jumpy and too much happiness-style. Her shows are my least favorite TLC shows.
- My 2 cents: I agree with the blogger - Janet needs to work harder. However, there is no need for personal attacks since you may not know her personally. The show is very generic, and average. Kudos to the crew and cast for trying to spice up a small island which has little to offer in the way of packaged tourism. Taiwan has lost its soul (I am born, and bred here, but I have also lived abroad in Europe, Africa, mainland China for 20yrs) during the economic boom and modernization of the 70s-80s. The concept of tourism is very superficial and there is little unique to offer in the way of cultural diversity. Personally, if you prefer pure ethnic travel thrills, places like Vietnam and Thailand may offer more interest. Taiwan is stuck in a cultural limbo between quasi Japanese-South island-Han chinese culture. With mainland China opening up, Taiwan has even lost its lime-light as a "Chinese" experience. Janet nad her crew have very little to work with besides, well, the food. Taiwanese cuisine is great. No doubts about that. As for the people, well - western extroverts will have a hard time in Taiwan. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with Taiwanese in general. During the booming 80s, this place was as vibrant and outgoing as Japane. Unfortunately, the vibe has dulled along with the economic slow-down. People here are indeed geared (automoton is a little harsh, but almost spot on!) towards achieving wealth and status, rather than living. This will change with time as people settle down from the giddy material-chasing lifestyle and mentality of the past. It will take a while though. But nothing will change the Confucian conservatism of the ladies and our dating etiquette. Its unfair to label us "deadbeat" just because we do not go wild like college kids in the US. Different cultures, different ways. In my opinion, the mainland Chinese are more energetic and daring right now because their nation is in a state of flux, just like Japan and Taiwan was 20 years ago. But once the become an established economy and the growth rate slows, people will settle down once again. The euphoria of a roaring economy does affect people and how they behave. Taiwan and Japan are on a pessimistic edge right now. As a final comment on the show - its time to stop flogging a dead horse (Taiwan), and move on. I love Taiwan, but I admit, there is very little to offer foreigners looking for travel thrills, adventure, or even relaxation in Taiwan. A good and dare I say, brave job well done! Now move onto something with more workable material. It should test Janet's mettle a little more.
Forumosa thread with critical comments about Janet Hsieh
Check out this big thread in Forumosa.com about Janet Hsieh which contains many funny critical comments about her.
Check out this big thread in Forumosa.com about Janet Hsieh which contains many funny critical comments about her.
I think all these comments are written by the same person, LOL gosh, the blogger really hates her, why are u so much against some1 who deserves fame, I ve seen her program fun Asia and I liked it and the truth is she is not fake, she smiles, she is polite to people and she makes the program quite enjoyable. she is not beautiful according to me but still she is sweet and watchable.And u know it takes a lot of guts to be in her shoes. but I envy her hehe, i also wanna travel the world on the expense of some1 else LOL.
ReplyDeleteLOL gosh you can't even spell correctly
DeleteYah I think she's fake. She's been paid by Taiwan Tourism Department. Taiwan's really got nothing to offer now in Tourism World, the competition is getting stiffer. Nice try Janet, but we don't buy it!
ReplyDeleteI agree. There is nothing unique or special about Taiwan that you can't find anywhere else. If it weren't for my family, I would have no reason to go to Taiwan. As a tourist, I see no reason to choose Taiwan. The vibe in Taiwan is extremely stiff, prudish, repressed, square, etc. and the furthest thing you can imagine from wild or spontaneous. I'm surprised no one else has the guts to say this openly. Instead, everyone wants to act fake and say "Taiwan is so nice, and people are so friendly!" just to parrot a cliche.
DeleteI think the blogger just has something against Taiwan and Janet. All he does is pretty much bash her. He's expecting her to be some great nobel prize winning hero...she's a travel host, for cripes sake, and she does her job well! Albeit I admit I do find the show a little dull, my experience in Taiwan was positive. I found the people friendly - friendlier than China/Hong Kong, the range of natural attractions in particular pretty amazing - Yushan, Taroko Gorge, all amazing places. I think Taiwan is underrated if anything, and i've travelled a lot within Asia. Who is this Winston Wu dude and what great things has he done?? Is he the one writing the article? haha. It sounds like whoever wrote the article just worships him.
ReplyDeleteWho is Winston Wu? Just use Google to learn more about him. Or see his About Me page:
Why is her mouth always open? She's just dull, a master of stating the obvious