Thursday, December 29, 2011

What's Wrong With Taiwan Girls? Closed, Cold, Cliquish, Inhuman, Stuck Up, Flaky, Divas

Taiwan girls closed cold antisocial

The biggest problem in Taiwan is that the women are very closed, cold, stuck up and cliquish, as if they are almost inhuman. They are anything but open and engaging with strangers. Wherever they go, they carry that "don't bother me look" on their face, which makes them VERY unapproachable. Yuck. It's very sad and depressing to see that everyday. I hate it. Taiwan has got to be one of the HARDEST places to approach and engage women. Their body language is cold, stuck up and cliquish.

Alongside Japan and Korea, Taiwan girls are among the least open and engaging of females in the 200 countries of the world. Even in retail sales and customer service occupations, Taiwanese girls are cold and business-like. I don't know how they got that way, but their cold demeanor seems very inhuman.

To give you a simple example, if I say "Excuse me miss" (in Chinese or English) to girls walking by in Taiwan (who are totally cold and closed) none of them will stop. But in most other countries, when I do that, very often the girls will stop and talk to me. That's a very big difference that says a lot, no matter how you try to spin it.

Taiwanese girls are extremely picky, shallow, judgmental, difficult, vain, and spook easily like deer do in the wild. They are overly cautious and unnaturally shy to the extreme, and don't like talking to strangers without an introduction through mutual friends. These extreme traits that are common in Taiwanese females make them almost inhuman and definitely unnatural. Now there is nothing wrong with being a little shy or cautious. That can be cute. But Taiwanese girls take it to the extreme and are too excessive in their closed-ness and shyness. Ironically, their own ancient Chinese wisdom says that nothing in extremes is any good, and that everything must be in moderation.

Also, Taiwanese girls have hang ups about dating. To them, dating is a stepping stone to marriage, so they won't just go out with you for fun, at least not the good girls. You have to jump through a ton of hoops. So you can't just simply ask them out like you can in most countries, otherwise you will be met with polite rejections and excuses. To make matters worse, the normal courting process of flirting is considered a taboo in Taiwan, seen as creepy bad behavior. So if you are a Romeo or Casanova who likes to flirt, that will be a big let down for you, because you are not allowed to use your main arsenal of seduction. Furthermore, it's very hard to vibe with Taiwanese girls if you are not on their small minded, shallow, narrow, insular wavelength. 

So it's like everything is against you in Taiwan if you want to try to fulfill your romantic or sexual needs, which sucks and is terrible beyond words. Taiwan does have a high concentration of hot girls, but what's the point if they are all look and no touch? That just makes it more depressing and frustrating. Personally, I find Taiwan to have the most unnatural and ego-deflating dating scene I've ever seen. The miserable vortex in Taiwan compounds it and makes it all worse. 

Everywhere I go in Taiwan, the only people who will socialize with me are elderly Taiwanese and foreign travelers. That sucks, but that's how Taiwan is. The only way a stranger can get some attention from Taiwanese girls is to look like an Asian pop star, or be a foreign White guy. Otherwise, you'll have to meet women through organized activities, school, work, or through mutual friends. Taiwan is one of the few countries in the world where women are not open for casually chatting up, flirting, or "love at first sight" stares. That's the BIGGEST DOWNSIDE of Taiwan. Other than that, Taiwan is a nice place overall, but there's nothing unique or special about it.

I know the problem is not me though, because women in the other 200 countries of the world (except for Japan and Korea) are not like that toward me. They are far more "normal", not like deer that spook easily as Taiwanese women do. So, if the problem were me, then all women would be antisocial and closed toward me, but they aren't (fortunately). Thus Taiwanese women are an abnormal quirk. This majorly sucks because it means that in general, Taiwanese women are "all look but no touch". So what's the point of them being hot then? All that does is exemplify the irony of Murphy's Law.

Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to get acquainted with a slippery standoff-ish modern Taiwanese girl, you will find that they usually have very difficult and complicated personalities. They are not straightforward and direct like their counterparts in mainland China. Instead, they like to play games, give mixed messages, and flake out. They are selfish and narcissistic - and rotten and spoiled to the core. In short, all they are good for is "eye candy", nothing else. That's sad, but that's the truth, as politically incorrect as it may be.

Now, please don't flame me for saying all this. I didn't make Taiwanese girls the way they are, I'm just the only one brave enough to tell the politically incorrect truth about them. Therefore, by attacking me, you would not be doing so because I am wrong, but because I am the only one telling the truth. Thus, you would in effect be advocating the suppression of truth, and upholding the facade of political correctness. Is that what you want? Think about it.

"The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth." - H. L. Mencken

“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

See also:

The Four Biggest Problems With Taiwan
Taiwanese people are empty shells with no soul or emotions
10 Reasons Why Taiwan is not good for social life, fun, happiness or romance
The Dark Side of Taiwan
The Pros and Cons of Taiwan
Taboo Observations and Truths About Taiwan


  1. This is a very accurate description of women on planet Taiwan. In fact, one could expand on this and say that the Taiwaese in general are are a strange, self-centered, medieval society. One wonder whey they got that way?

  2. wow u blame society for ur incompetence to get laid, that's super.

    1. Well it's true. This is not about getting laid. It's about people in certain cultures being closed, introverted, cliquish, etc. You can be the most outgoing person in Taiwan or the US but if you aren't good at breaking into cliques (by being a conformist) then you aren't going to meet a lot of friends or get dates, because most people are conformists and limit their social activity to their cliques. That's a fact. Nothing you said makes that any less true. I'm not the one who is antisocial. Women are not lining up to get laid. That's a fact of Taiwan society. Why is that my fault? Why should I falsely blame myself just to appease your victim-blaming mentality? Society is the problem. It's true. Why do you have a problem with the truth? I don't. You are the problem. I'm not the one who is antisocial and introverted. I'm very outgoing. Nothing wrong with me in that regard.

  3. and u, winston, are a ... clinical psychologist? a sociologist, perhaps? a mind reading god like being who has a greater understanding of things than any one else? U use the word "fact" to describe your personal experiances. These are not "facts", as in well documented social phenomena that have been verified and or put in any context. Your opinion is noted. and dismissed as just another biased opinion. certainly, after being in taiwan for 20 years myself i can say that taiwanese women are just like women every where else; complicated.

    1. I agree that Taiwanese people have a tendency to overvalue the looks too much. They often just judge you by how you look like, how you dress etc. That's probably the main reason why Taiwanese people are so self-conscious, because that's how they usually judge people, simply by how they look! However, I don't think all the women/girls are like that in Taiwan though. Those cold, cliquish, stuck up, flaky, divas are probably just too shallow and vain. They probably think the world revolves around them or something. This is definitely the media to blame. But i guess, instead of being bothered by this, perhaps we could think about how fortunate we are to be able to observe these, and not being brainwashed like those airheads?

    2. A clinical psychologist? I'm better than that. I have a natural ability to read people and feel their energy and vibes. I'm an empath, so to speak. I'm also an insightful writer who sees things deeper than mainstream people, who have no ability to make observations.

      See here for abundant proof:

      I'm considered a highly credible source, as you can see.

      Women are NOT the same everywhere. See here for total proof:

  4. Sadly, in Taiwan the more attractive the girls are, the more cold and unfriendly they are, and the less attractive they are, the more easy going and friendly they are, which SUCKS and is one of the major drawbacks of Taiwan, though it's taboo to mention it. Now don't get me wrong. There are a lot of friendly people in Taiwan who smile and are cheerful and helpful and polite. But it seems that almost any good looking young tall skinny girl there will be totally self-absorbed with no social skills - which sucks if you are a guy. In short, the better looking a girl in Taiwan is, the LESS friendly she is, while the worse looking she is, the more friendly she is - which sucks if you are a guy who likes hot girls. But for some reason it is politically incorrect to complain about this, as if you aren't supposed to. lol

    It's too bad that Taiwan can't be like Russia, where hot girls are just as friendly, open and approachable, as average looking girls are, and have good social skills too - in total contrast to Taiwan, where the hottest girls are the most stuck up and have the most uptight walls around them. This is very true, but very taboo to mention for some reason. I don't know why. It's like it's obvious, but you aren't supposed to talk about it. Weird.

  5. They aren't even Eye candy considering they are 2nd inline amongest Asians FOR BEING SUPER PLASTIC! Surgery is their thing... they got no one culture but only influence and wannabes of Korean and Japan.

  6. Hmm, I'm half Taiwanese, and I live in Canada, but now that you wrote about it, it does feel like that's the case. Public transport is a very popular method of travel. I take the bus frequently, and the women, DO seem cold, cliquish, stuck up, flaky, and oh so very hot. Also, your statement does feel true, it's basically the hotter they are, the harder you'll fall.

  7. To give you a simple example, if I say "Excuse me miss" (in Chinese or English) to girls walking by in Taiwan (who are totally cold and closed) none of them will stop. But in most other countries, when I do that, very often the girls will stop and talk to me. That's a very big difference that says a lot, no matter how you try to spin it.

    Taiwanese girls are extremely picky, shallow, judgmental, difficult, vain, and spook easily like deer do in the wild. They are overly cautious and unnaturally shy to the extreme, and don't like talking to strangers without an introduction through mutual friends. These extreme traits that are common in Taiwanese females make them almost inhuman and definitely unnatural. Now there is nothing wrong with being a little shy or cautious. That can be cute. But Taiwanese girls take it to the extreme and are too excessive in their closed-ness and shyness. Ironically, their own ancient Chinese wisdom says that nothing in extremes is any good, and that everything must be in moderation.

    Also, Taiwanese girls have hang ups about dating. To them, dating is a stepping stone to marriage, so they won't just go out with you for fun, at least not the good girls. You have to jump through a ton of hoops. So you can't just simply ask them out like you can in most countries, otherwise you will be met with polite rejections and excuses. To make matters worse, the normal courting process of flirting is considered a taboo in Taiwan, seen as creepy bad behavior. So if you are a Romeo or Casanova who likes to flirt, that will be a big let down for you, because you are not allowed to use your main arsenal of seduction. Furthermore, it's very hard to vibe with Taiwanese girls if you are not on their small minded, shallow, narrow, insular wavelength.

    So it's like everything is against you in Taiwan if you want to try to fulfill your romantic or sexual needs, which sucks and is terrible beyond words. Taiwan does have a high concentration of hot girls, but what's the point if they are all look and no touch? That just makes it more depressing and frustrating. Personally, I find Taiwan to have the most unnatural and ego-deflating dating scene I've ever seen. The miserable vortex in Taiwan compounds it and makes it all worse.

  8. I'm sorry, but I just don't get it.
    Why do you always focus on Taiwanese women?
    Why don't you try 'Excuse me, Sir' to see what will happen?
    I mean, if you still get the same result, it may just due to different culture, and so what?
    Not all society in the world must to fit your standards, I mean, yes, its a phenomenon. But you need to respect it, not just abuse that. If you really need any help, why don't you just go to INFORMATION CENTER.
    Not only me, most of my friends love Taiwan for sure. Its so sad to see your description of Taiwan.

  9. I'm a handsome and dark skinned Caucasian guy, not unlike Sylvester Stallone but even better. I agree with Winston 100%. Taiwan is fun and I enjoy my self there plenty but you need to keep your expectations low in the chick department and take it easy. Yes indeed, Taiwan women are very insular. The hotter the girl, the worse it gets. Many of these hot girls send me subtle signals "eye contact" etc etc, at best if they're desperate enough or have observed me long enough, gotten used to me and therefore would like to be acquainted. This happens often only because I am an exceptionally handsome Mediterranean, Caucasian guy. Top Percentile EVEN BY ITALIAN STANDARDS! But due to their complex personalities I usually just ignore it and boy do they hate you especially if you are an exceptionally handsome guy who just subtly rejected them. I call it feminist immaturity. Non-oriental girls also have superior instincts for Caucasian or other non-oriental males, better at distinguishing trash from someone sound. You see many white rejects by US standards picking up girls in Taiwan. Asian women can't tell apart someone who looks like Elvis Presley from someone who looks like Vince Vaughan AT ALL. In Taiwan or even China, these two are in the same league! LOMAO. In US, Europe or Russia- NEVER MISTAKEN. ELVIS DOMINATES BIG TIME. No offense to Vince Vaughan - nice guy and 1/2 good looking at least.

    1. "You see many white rejects by US standards picking up girls in Taiwan." Wrong. Of course they can find girlfriends, but look at the girls. Not the beauties. In fact i often see Caucasian guys walking around with girls who seem below then in the looks department. The truly HOT girls are almost always with asian guys, usually ABCs, gangster types or rich spoiled kids driving their daddy's ferrari. Occassionally you see one with a very handsome foreigner, usually a businessman or just young, super handsome and well-dressed...I think a lot of Western guys dress like crap - like backpackers, and wonder why girls don't give them no mind. No scrubs for these girls!

  10. Hahaha, somebody is complaining that he cant get laid

  11. Author can't get laid in Taiwan~! XD

  12. Just smile and your chances of getting laid will increase from -100% to +20%, the rest is up to your approach.

  13. Hey you umm is a free person who can go get laid with your hometown girls -american and maybe an awesome blog about american girls, too. How about that? Go find your EU girls nobody ask you to low yourself like this.

  14. while complainting others are shallow, yourself is the shallow one. ISn't it?

    Look at how you express your 'needs'. YOu want hot girls in taiwan to be nice to you. Oh, not just hot and smart like Janet Hsieh, she has to fight injustice and .....LOL , full of rubbish.

    One question, just one question.
    WHy do you think you deserve about it?

  15. I know this is an old post, but fuck me if this isn't true. You can't blame them though. They have been sheltered their entire lives and are probably scared shitless to look or sound like an idiot when approached by a stranger. Taiwanese girls care about saving face and saving their pride more than anything. The worse part is that many Taiwanese parents perpetuate this motive that she should marry into a rich family. I don't understand how Taiwanese women can be more materialistic than American women.

    What makes me laugh is the fact that the number of single 30+ year old women are increasing every year in Taiwan. I don't think they realize that the prime of their lives is when they are 18-21 as opposed to men who can stay in the game until our mid 30s.

  16. What you said is all of a _ _ _ _

  17. Wow... it was actually painfully embarrassing to read your article. If I'm not mistaken, your point was: all women in the world should want you, and if they don't they have problems... Your article creeped me out most because it alluded so unashamedly to sex tourism, which is what I assume you've been doing for most of your time in Asia. You have obviously spent no real time in Taiwan and know nothing of the people (male or female), as having lived here for many years I can say I have never encountered any of the things in your article (Taiwanese people are incredibly friendly and warm) and what's more, it is precisely articles such as these that would make Taiwanese girls reluctant to talk with foreign guys as NO GIRL WANTS TO BE BRANDED AS EASY! You are an idiot... seriously. Grow up and get a girlfriend.

  18. yeah, I feel sorry for the deluded author of this article,.in the late 90s I spent a summer working as a conversation partner or "teacher" for middle & high schoolers in tainan,kaosiung,& tamsui.i spent about 3 weeks in each place.i lived being in Taiwan because it was a smaller city with an even semi-rural feel to it.the ppl that I interacted with were extremely sweet & I made a point of going to the local stalls where they served goat & not the pizza huts & their ilk.when I walked into 1 of the places that served goat they were surprised that I stopped through because they said that even though "foreigners" had been working in their city for years,I was the 1st 1 that ever ate with them & when I went to pay for the meal they didn't allow me to.i could write a book about all of the wonderful ppl I met & the beautiful things that I experienced while I was there.the only truly negative thing that I can recall was when a tour bus full of abc ppl saw me & repeatedly asked me if I had dope (I am a dark African descent male & had long lacks at the time)
    as far ad women were concerned,I think they were just like any others that you encounter on this planet.ppl can easily feel your intentions & if your "excuse me miss" is just a hollow prelude to having quick empty sex of course you will strike out.i can honestly say that I made meaningful relationships with many ppl,young -old,female- male,indigenous etc,...I think you need to work on YOURSELF before you go about categorizing ppl & specifically women who can smell you from 48 feet away. its been a while since you posted this so maybe you have grown & matured,.......

  19. yeah, I feel sorry for the deluded author of this article,.in the late 90s I spent a summer working as a conversation partner or "teacher" for middle & high schoolers in tainan,kaosiung,& tamsui.i spent about 3 weeks in each place.i lived being in Taiwan because it was a smaller city with an even semi-rural feel to it.the ppl that I interacted with were extremely sweet & I made a point of going to the local stalls where they served goat & not the pizza huts & their ilk.when I walked into 1 of the places that served goat they were surprised that I stopped through because they said that even though "foreigners" had been working in their city for years,I was the 1st 1 that ever ate with them & when I went to pay for the meal they didn't allow me to.i could write a book about all of the wonderful ppl I met & the beautiful things that I experienced while I was there.the only truly negative thing that I can recall was when a tour bus full of abc ppl saw me & repeatedly asked me if I had dope (I am a dark African descent male & had long lacks at the time)
    as far ad women were concerned,I think they were just like any others that you encounter on this planet.ppl can easily feel your intentions & if your "excuse me miss" is just a hollow prelude to having quick empty sex of course you will strike out.i can honestly say that I made meaningful relationships with many ppl,young -old,female- male,indigenous etc,...I think you need to work on YOURSELF before you go about categorizing ppl & specifically women who can smell you from 48 feet away. its been a while since you posted this so maybe you have grown & matured,.......
