The objective of this Blog is to expose Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬, host of Fun Taiwan, as a fake artificial celebrity with no substance or authenticity, and to counterbalance her LIES about Taiwan being so wonderful and friendly with deep taboo truths that others are afraid to say.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
What's Wrong With Taiwan Girls? Closed, Cold, Cliquish, Inhuman, Stuck Up, Flaky, Divas
The biggest problem in Taiwan is that the women are very closed, cold, stuck up and cliquish, as if they are almost inhuman. They are anything but open and engaging with strangers. Wherever they go, they carry that "don't bother me look" on their face, which makes them VERY unapproachable. Yuck. It's very sad and depressing to see that everyday. I hate it. Taiwan has got to be one of the HARDEST places to approach and engage women. Their body language is cold, stuck up and cliquish.
Alongside Japan and Korea, Taiwan girls are among the least open and engaging of females in the 200 countries of the world. Even in retail sales and customer service occupations, Taiwanese girls are cold and business-like. I don't know how they got that way, but their cold demeanor seems very inhuman.
To give you a simple example, if I say "Excuse me miss" (in Chinese or English) to girls walking by in Taiwan (who are totally cold and closed) none of them will stop. But in most other countries, when I do that, very often the girls will stop and talk to me. That's a very big difference that says a lot, no matter how you try to spin it.
Taiwanese girls are extremely picky, shallow, judgmental, difficult, vain, and spook easily like deer do in the wild. They are overly cautious and unnaturally shy to the extreme, and don't like talking to strangers without an introduction through mutual friends. These extreme traits that are common in Taiwanese females make them almost inhuman and definitely unnatural. Now there is nothing wrong with being a little shy or cautious. That can be cute. But Taiwanese girls take it to the extreme and are too excessive in their closed-ness and shyness. Ironically, their own ancient Chinese wisdom says that nothing in extremes is any good, and that everything must be in moderation.
Also, Taiwanese girls have hang ups about dating. To them, dating is a stepping stone to marriage, so they won't just go out with you for fun, at least not the good girls. You have to jump through a ton of hoops. So you can't just simply ask them out like you can in most countries, otherwise you will be met with polite rejections and excuses. To make matters worse, the normal courting process of flirting is considered a taboo in Taiwan, seen as creepy bad behavior. So if you are a Romeo or Casanova who likes to flirt, that will be a big let down for you, because you are not allowed to use your main arsenal of seduction. Furthermore, it's very hard to vibe with Taiwanese girls if you are not on their small minded, shallow, narrow, insular wavelength.
So it's like everything is against you in Taiwan if you want to try to fulfill your romantic or sexual needs, which sucks and is terrible beyond words. Taiwan does have a high concentration of hot girls, but what's the point if they are all look and no touch? That just makes it more depressing and frustrating. Personally, I find Taiwan to have the most unnatural and ego-deflating dating scene I've ever seen. The miserable vortex in Taiwan compounds it and makes it all worse.
Everywhere I go in Taiwan, the only people who will socialize with me are elderly Taiwanese and foreign travelers. That sucks, but that's how Taiwan is. The only way a stranger can get some attention from Taiwanese girls is to look like an Asian pop star, or be a foreign White guy. Otherwise, you'll have to meet women through organized activities, school, work, or through mutual friends. Taiwan is one of the few countries in the world where women are not open for casually chatting up, flirting, or "love at first sight" stares. That's the BIGGEST DOWNSIDE of Taiwan. Other than that, Taiwan is a nice place overall, but there's nothing unique or special about it.
I know the problem is not me though, because women in the other 200 countries of the world (except for Japan and Korea) are not like that toward me. They are far more "normal", not like deer that spook easily as Taiwanese women do. So, if the problem were me, then all women would be antisocial and closed toward me, but they aren't (fortunately). Thus Taiwanese women are an abnormal quirk. This majorly sucks because it means that in general, Taiwanese women are "all look but no touch". So what's the point of them being hot then? All that does is exemplify the irony of Murphy's Law.
Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to get acquainted with a slippery standoff-ish modern Taiwanese girl, you will find that they usually have very difficult and complicated personalities. They are not straightforward and direct like their counterparts in mainland China. Instead, they like to play games, give mixed messages, and flake out. They are selfish and narcissistic - and rotten and spoiled to the core. In short, all they are good for is "eye candy", nothing else. That's sad, but that's the truth, as politically incorrect as it may be.
Now, please don't flame me for saying all this. I didn't make Taiwanese girls the way they are, I'm just the only one brave enough to tell the politically incorrect truth about them. Therefore, by attacking me, you would not be doing so because I am wrong, but because I am the only one telling the truth. Thus, you would in effect be advocating the suppression of truth, and upholding the facade of political correctness. Is that what you want? Think about it.
"The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth." - H. L. Mencken
“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
See also:
The Four Biggest Problems With Taiwan
Taiwanese people are empty shells with no soul or emotions
10 Reasons Why Taiwan is not good for social life, fun, happiness or romance
The Dark Side of Taiwan
The Pros and Cons of Taiwan
Taboo Observations and Truths About Taiwan
stuck up,
taiwan girls,
taiwan women,
taiwanese girls,
taiwanese women,
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Isn't Janet Hsieh one of those Positive Attitude Junkie Types?
I have a question.
How do you get along with those "positive attitude junkies" who act like life is a wonderland 24/7? They're everywhere now in the Western World and countries exposed to the West. Many good looking Gen Yers usually develop that attitude for some reason, esp if they are popular and hip. You know what I mean?
There are many people in the young generation today who act like everything is awesome 24/7. They frequently use words like "Life is beautiful", "Awesome", "Great" etc. They act like life is a wonderland 24/7 and nothing negative exists. I thought they only existed on TV, but they exist in real life too. They are usually on a superficial wavelength too, not a deep one. And they are usually well liked, praised, and hip.
Most of these types are from America, and are usually female and good looking, but I've noticed that many English speaking Taiwanese girls are like that too (such as Janet Hsieh on Discovery Channel's Fun Taiwan series). Where does that delusion come from exactly? How do they get that way? Are they serious? Or in denial?
How do you get along with these types? How do you have a conversation with them? Around them, I get the feeling like if I say even one thing negative, they'll avoid me. I also get the vibe that deep meaningful topics are "abnormal" to their wavelength.
Many of these types are attractive, good looking, and hip. So they draw people to them. A perfect example is Janet Hsieh, host of Fun Taiwan on the Discovery Channel and TLC. She is good looking, bubbly, and acts like everything is a 24/7 wonderland. That combo makes her popular. But her act looks superficial and phony to people who are realists or deeper than her. Plus, no one feels special when she is nice to them, because she's superficially nice to everyone, young and old. Gee.
Not all of them are celebrities though. They also include surfers, skateboarders, backpackers, hippies, New Agers, and lots of other young people.
But how do you get along with these types? By just acting fake and saying positive things about everything? Ick. (I guess some people derive pleasure from negativity and cynicism)
Have any of you met these types before? They seem to be everywhere now, esp among Gen Y. They act so hip and positive that it kind of makes you feel "uncool" if you don't share their attitude. The good thing about them is that they aren't mean to anyone. They aren't very cliquish or judgmental either, but rather, quite inclusive, albeit in a superficial way. You know?
In fact, they are so nice to everyone, that their niceness becomes meaningless, so that when they are nice to you, it feels like nothing special, since they are that way to everyone. lol. Know what I mean?
You also feel like you can't really bond or connect with them, cause they sort of "belong to everyone". So if they are hot, then they have tons of admirers. She is nice to all of them, but never serious about any of them.
Don't these 24/7 positive attitude types know that 75 percent of people are in poverty, that there's more suffering in the world than happiness, that life is not a wonderful, but a cycle of happiness and suffering?
Don't they know that evil people run the world, and that most things you're told are lies and propaganda, that most people aren't happy, etc.?
Are these types really able to avoid suffering by denying it out of their reality? They certainly act like they can. And if you ask them, they will say that they don't like to focus on the negative. They focus on the positive, and attract positive things, and that's their secret to happiness. Is it really that simple? Geez. So that's the key to happiness? It's been in front of our noses all the time! LOL OK!
I would venture to guess that since they're usually good looking, they were treated very well from birth, and given a lot of love and attention by everyone, hence their overly positive peppy attitude. So they can't really relate to anyone beneath them. They harbor no resentment, ill will, or regret either, since they've never really suffered. And no one has ever treated them like shit. So when they grow up, they are able to return all that niceness back, by acting superficially nice to everyone, and having a positive attitude 24/7. Is that why they are like that? If so, then I guess only those resentful in life, who have suffered a lot, dislike their attitude?
Could that be? Are there really people in life who have never suffered?
These types avoid comparing cultures and people like the plague. And they avoid all forms of political incorrectness. Nothing politically incorrect ever comes out of their mouths. If they hear me give my culture comparisons in my usual detailed insightful way, they will remain silent, since they avoid argument, debate or negative observations of any sort, no matter how true. Or they will disagree with me in a polite way, but when I bring up many examples, experiences and facts to support my comparisons, they usually quit and go into silent mode, for they seem incapable of offering counter-argument points other than the popular female cliche "Not all are like that" which women love to use for some reason, but is pointless since no one is saying that "all are like that".
For some reason, these people are blind to patterns, as though everything were equal everywhere, which is not true, but they can never define their views clearly and have no real argument. They simply dislike observations, patterns and debate of any kind. All they want to do is have fun and act cool, like everything is great 24/7, and that's all. Such people would probably make the worst chess players. lol
Do any of you understand these types? Have you met them? Any experiences you've had with them? Any insights into them?
What are they called exactly? I know they hate labels, but what can you call them? I don't know. Perhaps "positive attitude junkies"? lol
Core delusions of positive attitude junkie types:
1. Everything is wonderful.
2. Everyone is friendly.
3. Life is beautiful.
4. Happiness is a choice. You can choose it any time.
5. If you are always positive and allow no negativity in your life, then nothing bad can happen to you.
Anything that contradicts those things is ignored, no matter how obvious or true. They are not in touch with reality. They are not realists at all. If you have a problem or complaint, don't expect any sympathy or empathy from these types. They won't give it to you because in their world, your problems don't exist. Unfriendly people don't exist. Nothing sucks. Etc.
These people don't make good friends. They will not be your shoulder to cry on. You cannot talk to them about your problems. They won't want to listen. And if you complain, they will deny everything that's negative or doesn't fit their rosy wonderland world. Do you want friends like that? They may be ok as hang out friends, but you can't have any deep meaningful discussion with them, not if you're a realist, because they are not realists. You can't have a realistic discussion with them. Are those the kind of people you like?
I knew one in Poland. She was a wonderful positive person and a freespirit. She was an avid hitchhiker and well known in hitchhiking circles. Well she went to Africa with her positive attitude, believing that nothing could go wrong as long as she was positive and allowed no negativity into her life. And she ended up dying of malaria. You can see a tribute to her here:
Here is a Wikipedia article about her:
She ought to serve as a lesson to other positive attitude junkie types, to be realistic and be prepared. You can't just go around with an attitude that if you allow no negativity in your life, then nothing bad will happen to you. It doesn't work that way. You should not enter high risk areas with that attitude either. It's foolish, reckless and could result in terrible consequences. You should not drive with that attitude either, or else you could cause accidents and endanger others. Quit these stupid "you create your reality" delusions, and BE REALISTIC and LOGICAL. Sheesh.
In fact, studies show that happy-go-lucky types often die younger, because they take careless risks with their life and health, falsely thinking that everything will be fine or great as long as they think so. See here:
fake people,
fake women,
fun taiwan,
happy go lucky,
janet hsieh,
positive attitude,
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